Wednesday, November 24, 2010

More snapshots!

Because of the sub-arctic temperatures we are all forced indoors. This means that I get a little stir crazy and sadly photography takes a turn for the "staged and strange". Lucky for me I've got a very cute subject who willingly hams it up for the camera. I thought I would share some of our "Very Merry Christmas" set.

My always-cute and FREE model (if ever there was a reason to have a baby thats the most important).

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Let's not be lazy, get the Christmasy PJ's on.
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Hard to believe, but this is the face of a criminal mastermind. Toothbrush in the toilet anyone?
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Thanks for looking. Now if I could just get the older boy to be as willing a model, unfortunately he's a paid model now. Candy, cookies, money, everyone has their price.

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