This session was a two part session, half family and half little boy. The girls had their turn at being models last fall, so now it was baby brother's chance to turn on the charm.
Taking pictures can be daunting with children, especially if you are stuck with a very short window of time to get those "precious" moments. I remember taking my then 2 year old to Sears to have his picture taken with his cousins. We got the last time slot of the day and managed to rush the boys there. Insert toddler meltdown, and a picture taker that was ready to go home and not willing to wait out the toddler mania. So we ended up having to leave without any pictures taken. Our 15 minutes were up and they were closing. Boo.
In retrospect I wonder, why didn't we hire a real photographer? Someone who can wait out the hesitancy, who runs around and acts like a maniac in order to get the kids loosened up and smiling REAL smiles? Ah well! Luckily we were able to get some really great smiles from these guys and me acting like a crazy person was at a minimum (or so it felt to me, I'm sure Mom and Dad didn't think so).
Family sessions typically take the entire hour, and sometimes a wee bit more. Kids need time to warm up to the idea of having a person follow them around with a huge camera in their face.
Some of my favorite images are the candid moments of parents interacting with their kids, or the kids interacting with each other (or just being themselves).
Next post, our little model boy.
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