Monday, April 29, 2013

Fine Art Faces: Modern Child Portraits.

A really exciting new part of my business this year is starting! I've decided to branch into doing portrait parties, or modern child school portraits.

Don't get me wrong, I love getting school portraits from the school! Who doesn't love to look back on those old pictures and have a good giggle. They are a pictorial growth chart, a way to look back at our "wonderful" fashion choices at the time. I love them, no matter how tacky. I look back at my own and see ringlets one year, a bowl cut the next, floral frilly dresses and then jean overalls and braces. Great memories...!

I wanted to create something a little more modern, a little more fun. First off I am going to share a few of the B&W Fine Art Faces. Next time I will be sharing the more funky, bright, crazy faces!

Here are some of my favorites.

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If you are interested in a mini-session Portrait Party please look at the top tab "Session" for details!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sleeping Beauty: Newborn Baby Girl part 2.

So here we are, hushed and fed and quiet. Baby falls into a deep deep sleep and we can capture all those little sleep smiles and wonderful dreams that they must be having. 

With newborn photography you never know what you are going to get. Often a single session can take up to 4 hours! Baby usually needs to be fed a lot, and cuddled (in only a diaper and blanket) until they fall asleep and can be handled without fear of waking. I usually have parents turn up the heat, and I also bring a small space heater and noise machine. Needless to say, I wear a lot of antiperspirant.. it gets hot! 

Sometimes it takes only a few minutes before baby is ready for pictures, sometimes it can take a few hours. Patience is key when photographing newborns. They are on their own schedule and you can't rush them.

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I love simple newborn photographs. A new baby is so beautiful and precious that I think too many props end up taking away from the main focus of the image. What's more gorgeous that a new baby?

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Some of my very favorite newborn images are the most simple, just baby on a black or neutral background. 

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I love newborns! I must since I also work with them at the hospital as an RN on Post Partum. There is something so wonderful about new babies and the growing bond between them and their families. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bright Eyes: Newborn Baby Girl part 1.

I have to break this post up into two because there are just too many images that I love and want to share. So for part one I wanted to share the "awake" images of this gorgeous baby girl. She was such a sweet little thing and so quiet.

Sometimes its hard to know what to do with a baby that won't sleep because they won't fall into the typical newborn sleeping poses. You can still get stunning images of baby while awake. The images of baby awake and alert tend to be some of the parents favorite images. So don't fret if your baby won't sleep, there are still so many more moments to capture!

Sweet baby with Mom.

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My favorites, aren't new babies amazing?
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Baby with Dad, I love these in B&W. 
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Lastly, because she was just too cute:
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Stay tuned for part 2! Sleeping Beauty!! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

King of Winter

I love doing styled sessions. I absolutely adore the planning, the costumes, and editing. I am definitely looking out to do far more styled sessions in the future. If you want an exciting adventure for a session contact me about a styled session. If you have an awesome idea I am more than happy to help you develop it into images that you can treasure for years. If you want a styled session but are just stumped for good ideas let me know! I have a lot of great ideas for future sessions if you want to make a leap into the amazing and wild world of styled sessions. These sessions can be for anyone, not just children! 

My oldest son loves dressing up, he is always excited to be a model for me as long as it includes dressing up and acting. The long winter really put a damper on our fun. My son was really into watching The Guardians and was pretending to be Jack Frost for days. I decided that I was going to figure out a way to do a styled winter session. What can you do in winter? What can you do with a boy? There are tons of "winter fairies", "winter sprites" etc. that girls are able to pull off... but what about boys?

... enter the King of Winter!


As a side note I should add that he does not have makeup on, and his eyes don't really have those dark bags (although mine do...). I wanted to give these a dark, almost Game of Thrones, feel. Plus the King of Winter is a miserable, wretched man... seeing as he has made winter last this long. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Winter Maternity

This was a beautiful indoor maternity session. It was so cold outside that we couldn't even attempt to run outside for a couple outdoor images. Winter has been long long long and so this was a nice diversion with a fantastic family.





We thought this family portrait was pretty accurate for having a toddler:




Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hipster Kid

We are almost back up to our old tricks! I have some really fun stuff to share that I've been working on. I also have a few sessions that still need blogging. So lots of stuff coming up, as long as I can get working!

In the meantime here is my favorite middle son being as cool as a hipster can be without caring too much. ;)

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